Friday, 7 October 2022
As you know, last April we hosted a golf tournament and fundraiser for Wounded Warriors, local veterans’ programs, and our Scholarship program. Thank you, John Wickham, for organizing this event. It was an amazing success raising $50,000.
We are now in the runup to next year’s event and our goal is $100,000 for veterans’ programs and scholarships.
To get there, we need everyone’s support. I’m sending you the Golf Flyer and a list of Sponsorships. We also had a great write up and photo op with Carmel Magazine and I’m attaching the glossy photo that can also be forwarded to potential donors.
I’m not asking for any one person to lift this alone, as they say, “many hands make light work.”
Here's how you can help:
Get sponsorship support!
Arrange donations for our silent and live auctions: gift certificates from restaurants, hotels, or shops; donate time at a vacation home or resort; donate wine and/or spirits, artwork, collectibles, the list is almost endless.
Donate money and get donations from others, this goes straight to the bottom line.
Thank you for your help in reaching this goal and allowing us to help local veterans programs and fund our scholarship program
Feel free to contact me at [email protected] or John Wickham at [email protected] with any questions you may have.
Gerry Paratore
Commander Post 512
As you know, last April we hosted a golf tournament and fundraiser for Wounded Warriors, local veterans’ programs, and our Scholarship program. Thank you, John Wickham, for organizing this event. It was an amazing success raising $50,000.
We are now in the runup to next year’s event and our goal is $100,000 for veterans’ programs and scholarships.
To get there, we need everyone’s support. I’m sending you the Golf Flyer and a list of Sponsorships. We also had a great write up and photo op with Carmel Magazine and I’m attaching the glossy photo that can also be forwarded to potential donors.
I’m not asking for any one person to lift this alone, as they say, “many hands make light work.”
Here's how you can help:
Get sponsorship support!
Arrange donations for our silent and live auctions: gift certificates from restaurants, hotels, or shops; donate time at a vacation home or resort; donate wine and/or spirits, artwork, collectibles, the list is almost endless.
Donate money and get donations from others, this goes straight to the bottom line.
Thank you for your help in reaching this goal and allowing us to help local veterans programs and fund our scholarship program
Feel free to contact me at [email protected] or John Wickham at [email protected] with any questions you may have.
Gerry Paratore
Commander Post 512
Monday, 1 August 2022
It’s Time again for all of us to step up and support our community, Veterans and Local High Schools students going on to college.
American Legion Post 512 of Carmel California will be hosting its second annual golf tournament on April 21, 2023 at Old Del Monte Golf Club in Monterey, Ca. Last year’s event was a big success hosting 92 golfers and bringing in over $50,000.00 to help both Wounded Warriors and College Scholarships.
Here are some ways you can help:
It’s Time again for all of us to step up and support our community, Veterans and Local High Schools students going on to college.
American Legion Post 512 of Carmel California will be hosting its second annual golf tournament on April 21, 2023 at Old Del Monte Golf Club in Monterey, Ca. Last year’s event was a big success hosting 92 golfers and bringing in over $50,000.00 to help both Wounded Warriors and College Scholarships.
Here are some ways you can help:
- Title Sponsor the tournament: your name will be on all materials, newspaper ads, multiple signs at course, special mention at the awards ceremony and two foursomes for the tournament included. $25,000.00
- Ice Cooler Swag Bag with your name on it, which contestants will carry for years with them. $5000.00
- Set of golf balls with your company logo and name on them. $3000.00
- Tee shirt with your company logo and name on it. $3500.00
- Drink Cart Sponsor, Your name on the beverage cart for all to see and thank, plus mention at awards ceremony. $3500.00
- Lunch Sponsor, Name at lunch with special mention at ceremony $3500.00
- Hole in one Sponsor, First 3 par 3 holes in one’s worth $10,000.00 each. $1500.00 each hole.
- Hole in one Sponsor 4th par 3 worth $50,000.00. $2000.00
- Closest to the Pin sponsor includes signage. $1500.00
- Longest Drive sponsor includes signage. $1500.00
- Lunch, Silent and Live auction Drink sponsor. Name on signage mention at ceremony. $2500.00
- Cost for golf, Individual $245.00 Foursome $900.00.
- Hole sponsor, sign on tee box of one of the 18 holes. $195.00
Friday, 17 June 2022
Good morning all,
Here is a quick update of things going on at your American Legion this weekend.
Two thing of importance, help at the Fairgrounds on Sunday to break down and pack up from the Veterans "Stand Down" and Tom Doty's Go-Fund-Me account
Saturday from 1030-1200 hrs. is the regular Saturday post cleanup. Donuts and coffee will be available. I’ll be there along with Anastasia, come by and let us know what’s on your mind.
The Veterans Transition Center is conducting the Homeless Veterans’ “Stand down” at the Monterey FairGrounds Friday and Saturday. Volunteers are welcome on Friday and Saturday or Sunday to help break down the event and pack things up.
Tom Doty, a long-time member of the Sons of the American Legion has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer. A go-fund-me account has been set up by the Sons to assist with medical expenses.
Finally, join us at the Post on 4th of July for a BBQ, open house and membership kick-off. We will have live music as well. Things start at 1300 hrs. UNLESS, someone out there wants to come by early and help. Let me know, I’m sure we have something for you to do.
Commander, Post 512
Good morning all,
Here is a quick update of things going on at your American Legion this weekend.
Two thing of importance, help at the Fairgrounds on Sunday to break down and pack up from the Veterans "Stand Down" and Tom Doty's Go-Fund-Me account
Saturday from 1030-1200 hrs. is the regular Saturday post cleanup. Donuts and coffee will be available. I’ll be there along with Anastasia, come by and let us know what’s on your mind.
The Veterans Transition Center is conducting the Homeless Veterans’ “Stand down” at the Monterey FairGrounds Friday and Saturday. Volunteers are welcome on Friday and Saturday or Sunday to help break down the event and pack things up.
Tom Doty, a long-time member of the Sons of the American Legion has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer. A go-fund-me account has been set up by the Sons to assist with medical expenses.
Finally, join us at the Post on 4th of July for a BBQ, open house and membership kick-off. We will have live music as well. Things start at 1300 hrs. UNLESS, someone out there wants to come by early and help. Let me know, I’m sure we have something for you to do.
Commander, Post 512
Saturday, 11 June 2022
Good Morning
A couple of quick updates for Saturday morning, one serious important and one serious fun.
Serious Important: The Monterey County Veterans Standdown is back at the FairGrounds this year. The United Veterans Council (UVC) and the Veterans Transition Center (VTC) need volunteers to make this event happen. Go to and sign up to help.
Serious fun: The Forest Theater Guild along with the Gary Sinise Foundation are sponsoring a free dinner and show for veterans on June 16, 2022. Dinner starts at 1830 and the show starts at 1730.
If interested go to to sign up. Click on "TICKETS AVAILABLE WITH CODE MIL22." This will take you to Brown Paper Tickets, select 16 June and where it asks for a password or discount code enter MIL22.When it says match found click on quantity – add to cart and check out. Answer the short questionnaire and enter your name and email for confirmation. Your tickets will be at “will call” on the day of the dinner show.
And last but not least, our Saturday morning cleanup and coffee at the Post today at 1030.
Gerry Paratore
Commander Post 512
Thursday, 3 March 2022
Comrades and family,
Today I’m writing to those of you that are on the sidelines and that is the bulk of our membership.
Most organizations, like the legion, have a small cadre of folks very involved with planning and the operation of the organization. But we count on the membership to support the planning and man the events.
For this Post to sustain its existence we need your support.
We have a very aggressive fundraising event planned for April 2022. The funds raised by the Golf Tournament will go to support local veterans’ programs and restart our scholarship program. Many thanks to John Wickham for his hard work and a few of our members that have contributed to the effort.
But it’s time for more of us to get involved. What can you do?
These are a few items that remain open, you can take one or find a sponsor:
- Title Sponsor $20,000 – “Your name” will be on the front page of the Web Site and on all printed material including a large sign at the event.
- Beverage Cart Sponsor $3,500 - “Your name” will be on the cart showing that you contributed all the drinks for the tournament.
- Hole in One Sponsor’s. There are 4 Par 3’s and the first 3 will pay $10,000 if someone makes a whole in one and the 4th is worth $50,000. Sponsor fee is $1,000 per hole for the first 3 par 3’s and $1,500 for the 4th hole.
- Logo golf balls $3,000 - You can give each player 3 golf balls with your company logo on them as a tee prize. Great way to get your name out there and it will last for more than just a day.
- Lunch Sponsor: $3,500
- Auction Drink Sponsor $2,000
- Hole Sponsors $175 Your name on an individual sign at a tee box
- Gift Cards for your business, Hotels, Restaurants, Spas, Retail etc.
- Signup to play
- Signup other players
- Sponsor other players
The POC for this is John Wickham at [email protected] or contact me.
Gerry Paratore
Commander, Post 512
Monday, 21 February 2022
Comrades and Family,
From our last meeting several items of note were set in motion.
1.We committed to sponsoring a local youth baseball team for the coming season. This should be fun, and I encourage you all to attend the games. I will forward a schedule once it is completed.
Anyone who wishes to contribute to the baseball fund for equipment, food and other items for the players please do.
2.We will be tenting the Post to eliminate our termite problem and stabilize the building. This is our first step in the renovation and restoration of the Post. We have lots of cosmetic and structural issues to resolve to prepare the Post for the next 100 years. We will be asking you all to get involved in this effort sooner than later.
3.Last but the best, Happy Birthday to all in Post 512 born in January and February. A while back I planned to start celebrating everyone's birthday starting in January, but it’s February already. Where did the time go?
So, I would like to invite all January and February birthday celebrants to join me at the Post on Friday 25 February 2022 at 1700hrs. A beverage of your choice and a piece of birthday cake to celebrate you and start the new year.
Of course the obligatory and unfortunate disclaimer, this is limited to vaccinated members.
Comrades and Family,
From our last meeting several items of note were set in motion.
1.We committed to sponsoring a local youth baseball team for the coming season. This should be fun, and I encourage you all to attend the games. I will forward a schedule once it is completed.
Anyone who wishes to contribute to the baseball fund for equipment, food and other items for the players please do.
2.We will be tenting the Post to eliminate our termite problem and stabilize the building. This is our first step in the renovation and restoration of the Post. We have lots of cosmetic and structural issues to resolve to prepare the Post for the next 100 years. We will be asking you all to get involved in this effort sooner than later.
3.Last but the best, Happy Birthday to all in Post 512 born in January and February. A while back I planned to start celebrating everyone's birthday starting in January, but it’s February already. Where did the time go?
So, I would like to invite all January and February birthday celebrants to join me at the Post on Friday 25 February 2022 at 1700hrs. A beverage of your choice and a piece of birthday cake to celebrate you and start the new year.
Of course the obligatory and unfortunate disclaimer, this is limited to vaccinated members.
New Year's Eve at your Post!
29 December 2021
Greetings to all and I hope everyone has a great, healthy, and prosperous New Year.
I’m pleased to announce that we will be open this year for a New Years eve celebration.
Nothing wild nor crazy, no band, but an opportunity to come togehter with comrades, family, and friends to say goodbye to 2021 and ring in 2022.
Ody will be on duty, and we will have a champagne toast to 2022 at the stroke of mid-night.
For those of you that can’t make it that night we will be serving food New Year’s Day in the afternoon. Come by to start the New Year with old comrades and new friends.
As a reminder, vaccinations are still required for access to the Post.
29 December 2021
Greetings to all and I hope everyone has a great, healthy, and prosperous New Year.
I’m pleased to announce that we will be open this year for a New Years eve celebration.
Nothing wild nor crazy, no band, but an opportunity to come togehter with comrades, family, and friends to say goodbye to 2021 and ring in 2022.
Ody will be on duty, and we will have a champagne toast to 2022 at the stroke of mid-night.
For those of you that can’t make it that night we will be serving food New Year’s Day in the afternoon. Come by to start the New Year with old comrades and new friends.
As a reminder, vaccinations are still required for access to the Post.
Christmas Eve, 24 December 2021
As I take a minute to reflect on the year, I have to say it wasn’t that bad. Sure, we had to deal with Covid and mixed messaging with sometimes confusing protocols but still not bad. I remain healthy as do my family and friends. Things at Post 512 are looking up. We are slowly reengaging in the community, finances are sound, we have a great fundraising effort going (Thank you John Wickham), membership is strong, and I remain optimistic for the future of the post.
But there always is a but, the holidays and especially Christmas are problematic for some. Far too many of our comrades feel isolated and alone over the holidays. Suicide and thoughts of suicide spike during the holiday season.
Take a moment and reach out to a fellow legionnaire or veteran or just someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Spread some holiday cheer, make a difference to someone. You will be surprised how this simple gesture will mean so much to others. It might even do you a little good.
For a start I have a few legionaries and Legion family members to call:
John Tomkinson – Bless you brother - stay strong, you have made a difference to others
Bernie McDermott – Thank you for your sage advice. It's important to me.
John Chipley – I hope you and your wife recover well and soon. The Post is here for you, let me know what is needed.
Kevin Fisk – we all mourn the loss of Marla, she was our comrade, and she is missed.
To all the members, Auxiliary and Sons included, that have remained committed to the Post – Thank you also. Your efforts have helped to get us here.
For the new members and we have a few, Thank you for selecting Post 512. I’m honored to welcome you to the Family.
A special thanks to Ody, our employee of the quarter, you’re the best, thanks for your support.
Greg - get well and I hope to see you in the new year.
Finally, to the Auxiliary (Melanie and Michelle) and Sons that have helped during these difficult times – Thank you for staying true to the principles of sacrifice, service and commitment that make the American Legion family strong.
Gerry Paratore
Commander, Post 512
As I take a minute to reflect on the year, I have to say it wasn’t that bad. Sure, we had to deal with Covid and mixed messaging with sometimes confusing protocols but still not bad. I remain healthy as do my family and friends. Things at Post 512 are looking up. We are slowly reengaging in the community, finances are sound, we have a great fundraising effort going (Thank you John Wickham), membership is strong, and I remain optimistic for the future of the post.
But there always is a but, the holidays and especially Christmas are problematic for some. Far too many of our comrades feel isolated and alone over the holidays. Suicide and thoughts of suicide spike during the holiday season.
Take a moment and reach out to a fellow legionnaire or veteran or just someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Spread some holiday cheer, make a difference to someone. You will be surprised how this simple gesture will mean so much to others. It might even do you a little good.
For a start I have a few legionaries and Legion family members to call:
John Tomkinson – Bless you brother - stay strong, you have made a difference to others
Bernie McDermott – Thank you for your sage advice. It's important to me.
John Chipley – I hope you and your wife recover well and soon. The Post is here for you, let me know what is needed.
Kevin Fisk – we all mourn the loss of Marla, she was our comrade, and she is missed.
To all the members, Auxiliary and Sons included, that have remained committed to the Post – Thank you also. Your efforts have helped to get us here.
For the new members and we have a few, Thank you for selecting Post 512. I’m honored to welcome you to the Family.
A special thanks to Ody, our employee of the quarter, you’re the best, thanks for your support.
Greg - get well and I hope to see you in the new year.
Finally, to the Auxiliary (Melanie and Michelle) and Sons that have helped during these difficult times – Thank you for staying true to the principles of sacrifice, service and commitment that make the American Legion family strong.
Gerry Paratore
Commander, Post 512
Friday, 10 December 2021
Comrades, American Legion family and friends,
The holidays are upon us. It’s been a very challenging year and I think some holiday fun is in order. While I can’t carry a tune, I think a round of old-fashioned Christmas Caroling would be fun. I suggest we meet at the Post on Sunday 19 December @ 1600 hrs. We will stroll the streets of Carmel starting at 1700 hrs. to celebrate the holidays, the end of 2021 (goodbye and good riddance) and our hopes for a better year to come.
Please let me know if you’re interested and we can arrange for some after singing snacks at the lounge, courtesy of the Post.
ALSO, I would appreciate your song list, I’ll get the lyrics printed out and if you can sing we are looking for group leaders for the caroling.
Gerry Paratore
Commander, Post 512
Comrades, American Legion family and friends,
The holidays are upon us. It’s been a very challenging year and I think some holiday fun is in order. While I can’t carry a tune, I think a round of old-fashioned Christmas Caroling would be fun. I suggest we meet at the Post on Sunday 19 December @ 1600 hrs. We will stroll the streets of Carmel starting at 1700 hrs. to celebrate the holidays, the end of 2021 (goodbye and good riddance) and our hopes for a better year to come.
Please let me know if you’re interested and we can arrange for some after singing snacks at the lounge, courtesy of the Post.
ALSO, I would appreciate your song list, I’ll get the lyrics printed out and if you can sing we are looking for group leaders for the caroling.
Gerry Paratore
Commander, Post 512
Wednesday, 1 December 2021
Comrades and family.
A few quick items:
Monday December 6th is the next Monthly Meeting. Hope to see you at the Post. I will be sending out the agenda and a zoom invite later this weekend.
The Sunday “Police Call” of the Post and surrounding neighborhood is now the “SATURDAY Police Call.” Sunday was a difficult day for many, hoping Saturday will help.
We will open this Sunday December 5th at 1300hrs for the 49er game, hope to see you there. The turkey sandwiches were so good we are doing them again this Sunday.
Starting Monday December 6th, we will be open for Monday Night Football, the lounge opens at 1500hrs
Starting Thursday December 9th, we will be open for Thursday Night Football, the lounge opens at 1500hrs.
NOTE: Monday and Thursday are predicated on turnout.
Remember vaccinations are required for entry into the Post facilities
Gerry Paratore
Commander Post 512
Comrades and family.
A few quick items:
Monday December 6th is the next Monthly Meeting. Hope to see you at the Post. I will be sending out the agenda and a zoom invite later this weekend.
The Sunday “Police Call” of the Post and surrounding neighborhood is now the “SATURDAY Police Call.” Sunday was a difficult day for many, hoping Saturday will help.
We will open this Sunday December 5th at 1300hrs for the 49er game, hope to see you there. The turkey sandwiches were so good we are doing them again this Sunday.
Starting Monday December 6th, we will be open for Monday Night Football, the lounge opens at 1500hrs
Starting Thursday December 9th, we will be open for Thursday Night Football, the lounge opens at 1500hrs.
NOTE: Monday and Thursday are predicated on turnout.
Remember vaccinations are required for entry into the Post facilities
Gerry Paratore
Commander Post 512
Thanksgiving, Thursday, 25 November 2021
Good morning, Comrades and American Legion Family
A short note at the start of the Thanksgiving Celebration.
The last two years have been difficult, isolation, the disruption of daily routines, a pandemic that shifts and is always just one step away from being resolved or taking off again. Despite that we have persisted and pushed through. Vaccines are available to all that want them, and we may soon be able to live our normal lives once again.
The holidays can be problematic for some, suicide rates peak around the holidays. Reach out to a friend over the holidays. Don’t underestimate the power of a friendly gesture. For some just being remembered may make the difference.
We have lost a few of our comrades this year, the most recent being Marla Fisk. As you gather this year take a moment to remember our missing comrades.
As I reflect on the last two years, I have many things to be thankful for. We live in the best country in the world. Legionaries and the American Legion family are some of the best people I have ever met. I’m the Commander of Post 512, something I never thought I would take on. Thank you for having confidence in me to lead the Post, I’m glad to be here and promise to do my best.
Finally, join us at the Post on Sunday, 28 November 2021, for Turkey sandwich Sunday, football and a chance to catch up with old friends.
Have a happy Thanksgiving
Gerry Paratore
Commander Post 512
Good morning, Comrades and American Legion Family
A short note at the start of the Thanksgiving Celebration.
The last two years have been difficult, isolation, the disruption of daily routines, a pandemic that shifts and is always just one step away from being resolved or taking off again. Despite that we have persisted and pushed through. Vaccines are available to all that want them, and we may soon be able to live our normal lives once again.
The holidays can be problematic for some, suicide rates peak around the holidays. Reach out to a friend over the holidays. Don’t underestimate the power of a friendly gesture. For some just being remembered may make the difference.
We have lost a few of our comrades this year, the most recent being Marla Fisk. As you gather this year take a moment to remember our missing comrades.
As I reflect on the last two years, I have many things to be thankful for. We live in the best country in the world. Legionaries and the American Legion family are some of the best people I have ever met. I’m the Commander of Post 512, something I never thought I would take on. Thank you for having confidence in me to lead the Post, I’m glad to be here and promise to do my best.
Finally, join us at the Post on Sunday, 28 November 2021, for Turkey sandwich Sunday, football and a chance to catch up with old friends.
Have a happy Thanksgiving
Gerry Paratore
Commander Post 512
Tuesday, 8 November 2021
Veteran’s Day.
This year marks the 100-year anniversary of the WWI Memorial arch. We, Post 512, the Friends of the Arch, and the City of Carmel, will have a rededication ceremony at the Arch at 1100hrs. Once this is complete, we will head over to Devendorf Park for the regular Veterans Day event.
The Devendorf Park event will start around 1115hrs. Seating is provided this year, just like the old days. Please join us in the park. I think you will find this year’s celebration different and enjoyable.
Spoiler alert – We are changing it up this year!
We will also host an open house at the Post starting around 1200ish for vaccinated Legionnaires and members of the public. Food and beverages will be available.
Post 512 “Police Call”
Again, thanks to Anastasia Gonzales and the volunteers from the Post for helping to keep our town clean and tidy.
Remember, Sundays 0830-1000 we meet to clean around the Post and conduct a “police call” around our neighborhood.
Hope to see you at the Veteran’s Day activities in town or at the open house.
Gerry Paratore
Commander, Post 512
Veteran’s Day.
This year marks the 100-year anniversary of the WWI Memorial arch. We, Post 512, the Friends of the Arch, and the City of Carmel, will have a rededication ceremony at the Arch at 1100hrs. Once this is complete, we will head over to Devendorf Park for the regular Veterans Day event.
The Devendorf Park event will start around 1115hrs. Seating is provided this year, just like the old days. Please join us in the park. I think you will find this year’s celebration different and enjoyable.
Spoiler alert – We are changing it up this year!
We will also host an open house at the Post starting around 1200ish for vaccinated Legionnaires and members of the public. Food and beverages will be available.
Post 512 “Police Call”
Again, thanks to Anastasia Gonzales and the volunteers from the Post for helping to keep our town clean and tidy.
Remember, Sundays 0830-1000 we meet to clean around the Post and conduct a “police call” around our neighborhood.
Hope to see you at the Veteran’s Day activities in town or at the open house.
Gerry Paratore
Commander, Post 512
Friday, 22 October 2021
Greetings all, I hope this note finds you all well. It appears that the vaccination program is having the desired effect on the spread of COVID. Infection rates are down, where people are vaccinated, and life is starting to return to a semblance of normal.
Your Executive Committee adopted a No vaccination – No service policy and required proof of vaccination for access to the Post and lounge. So far so good, no breakthrough infections have been reported.
I’d like to talk about community – family, specifically our American Legion Family. The American Legion family of the Legionaries, Sons of the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary are held together by a shared value system. That value system or the 4 Pillars of the American Legion are: Americanism, Children and Youth, National Security, and Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation
The ties that hold us all together is one of mutual respect and commitment to each other and to our community. We build and strengthen our commitment by commitment, the act of getting together to support our beliefs and for camaraderie.
To that end we recently started several American Legion Post 512 initiatives:
So, I’m asking you to provide me with your birth month. Just email it back to me and I’ll do the rest.
Gerry Paratore
Commander, Post 512
Greetings all, I hope this note finds you all well. It appears that the vaccination program is having the desired effect on the spread of COVID. Infection rates are down, where people are vaccinated, and life is starting to return to a semblance of normal.
Your Executive Committee adopted a No vaccination – No service policy and required proof of vaccination for access to the Post and lounge. So far so good, no breakthrough infections have been reported.
I’d like to talk about community – family, specifically our American Legion Family. The American Legion family of the Legionaries, Sons of the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary are held together by a shared value system. That value system or the 4 Pillars of the American Legion are: Americanism, Children and Youth, National Security, and Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation
The ties that hold us all together is one of mutual respect and commitment to each other and to our community. We build and strengthen our commitment by commitment, the act of getting together to support our beliefs and for camaraderie.
To that end we recently started several American Legion Post 512 initiatives:
- We have our 1st annual fundraiser Golf Tournament scheduled for 15 April 2022
- Thank you, John (more to follow)
- Neighborhood “Police Call’, Sundays 0830-1030.
- Thank You Anastasia.
- We cleaned and reconfigured the hall, lounge, and old Poolroom
- Thank you, Anastasias, Lauren, and Janie,
- We rebuilt and replaced the felt on the pool table.
- Thank you, Jim
- The Pool Table is now in the Hall under the pool light
- Thank you again Jim
- We have new TVs, great for football, baseball, or any other thing you want to view
- Open Friday thru Sunday 1500-2200
- Thank you, Ody and Stuart for manning the shop
So, I’m asking you to provide me with your birth month. Just email it back to me and I’ll do the rest.
Gerry Paratore
Commander, Post 512